TourDe100 is a 100 day long cycling challenge divided into 5 stages of 20 days each. Each stage has multiple challenges to offer. The difficulty level of stages and challenges progress as we go from stage 1 to stage 5. You earn points for completing the challenges. You also earn additional points based on the distance covered, speed and elevation gain. The total points earned at the end of the event would decide your FINISHER category.

Every stage has 2 different types of challenges

  • Every stage has 6 challenges
  • Points for completing a stage challenge can only be earned once during a stage
  • All rides done during the stage (one per day) will count toward 2 stage challenges
    • Minimum days
    • Days x Distance – any 1 challenge based on distance

  • Every stage has 2 or more bonus challenges
  • All rides done during the stage (one per day) will count towards all the bonus challenges
  • Points for completing a bonus challenge can only be earned once during a stage

  • Only rides of 5 km or more will be counted for the event
  • Only one ride per day will be considered for the event. In case of multiple rides, the longest for the day will be considered
  • All target distances must be done as a single ride.
  • For rides longer than 50 km, if the difference between stop and start time is less than 30 minutes or less and each ride is of 5 km or more, then all the rides will be combined and considered as one.
  • Manually submitted rides will not count for the event.

  • Earn points for completing a challenge.
  • Earn 1 point per km for rides considered for the event.
  • Earn speed points upto a maximum of 50% of mileage points. The speed of 40 km/hr will get the maximum points and speed of 10 km/hr or less will get no speed points. Speed calculated based on elapsed time will be used to calculate speed points.
  • Earn 1 elevation point for every 20 m gain in elevation. Points will be calculated on a per-ride basis. A maximum of 3 elevation points will be awarded for every km.
  • Speed points and elevation points will only be awarded for outdoor rides.

Stages & Challenges Simplified

Stage 1 - Getting Ready

Sep 14th - Oct 3rd, 2024

The first stage of the 5 stage cycling challenge starts on Sep 14th. The stage has been designed to get newcomers ready for the upcoming stages and bring in some consistency. At the same time, it has challenges to keep our regular cyclists busy and keep their momentum going.


Minimum Days (Ride for 10 Days)

  • Ride a minimum of 5 km for any 10 days during the 20 day stage window.
  • Earn 100 points for completing the challenge

Let’s Explore (Long 50 km ride)

  • Ride for 50 km in a single ride
  • Earn 75 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (10 km x 5)

  • Do 5 rides of 10 km or more on 5 different days
  • Earn 100 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (15 km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 15 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 120 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (20 km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 20 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 120 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (25km x 2)

  • Do 2 rides of 25 km or more on 2 different days
  • Earn 100 points for completing the challenge

Be Consistent (Ride for all 18 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all days
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Bulls Eye (Complete all Stage 1 challenges)

  • Complete all 6 challenges of the stage at least once
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Climb High (Total elevation gain during the stage)

  • Climb for a minimum of 1000 m during the stage and earn yourself 50 bonus points
  • The higher you climb, the more is the reward
    • 50 points for 1000 m
    • 150 points for 2500 m
    • 350 points for 5000 m
    • 600 points for 7500 m
    • 1000 points for 10000 m

Having trouble getting your head around the STAGE 1 challenges? click here for a bulletproof RIDE PLAN for Stage 1.


Oct 4th - Oct 23rd, 2024

The second stage of the 5 stage cycling challenge starts from Oct 4th. The stage offers the challenge of going a little longer and being more consistent. For some 50 miles could be like setting up a new benchmark while others may try to cover this distance as fast as possible to earn more points.


Minimum Days (Ride for 12 Days)

  • Ride a minimum of 5 km for any 12 days during the 20 day stage window.
  • Earn 120 points on completing the challenge

Ride a little longer (50 miles long ride)

  • Ride for 50 miles (80 km) in a single ride
  • Earn 150 points on completing the challenge

Distance x Days(15km x 5)

  • Do 5 rides of 15 km or more on 5 different days
  • Earn 200 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (20km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 20 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 200 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (25km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 25 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 180 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (30km x 2)

  • Do 2 rides of 30 km or more on 2 different days
  • Earn 140 points for completing the challenge

Be Consistent (Ride for all 18 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all days
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Bulls Eye (Complete all Stage 2 challenges)

  • Complete all 6 challenges of the stage at least once
  • Earn yourself 200 bonus points

Beat it! (Beat your STAGE 1 mileage)

  • Beat your STAGE 1 mileage by
    • 10% > 200 points
    • 20% > 400 points
    • 30% > 700 points
    • 40% > 1000 points

Climb High (Total elevation gain during the stage)

  • Climb for a minimum of 1000 m during the stage and earn yourself 50 bonus points
  • The higher you climb, the more is the reward
    • 50 points for 1000 m
    • 150 points for 2500 m
    • 350 points for 5000 m
    • 600 points for 7500 m
    • 1000 points for 10000 m

Having trouble getting your head around the STAGE 2 challenges? click here for a bulletproof RIDE PLAN for Stage 2.


Oct 24th - Nov 12th, 2024

The third stage of the 5 stage cycling challenge starts from Oct 24th. The stage offers the challenge of going a little longer and being more consistent. For some, 100 km could be like setting up a new benchmark while others may try to cover this distance as many times as possible to earn more and more points.


Minimum Days (Ride for 15 Days)

  • Ride a minimum of 5 km for any 15 days during the 20 day stage window.
  • Earn 150 points on completing the challenge

Century Ride (100 km long ride)

  • Go for a single ride of 100 km
  • Earn 200 points on completing the challenge

Distance x Days (20km x 5)

  • Do 5 rides of 20 km or more on 5 different days
  • Earn 300 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (25km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 25 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 280 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (30km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 30 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 240 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (40km x 2)

  • Do 2 rides of 40 km or more on 2 different days
  • Earn 200 points for completing the challenge

Be Consistent (Ride for all 18 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all days
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Bulls Eye (Complete all Stage 3 challenges)

  • Complete all 6 challenges of the stage at least once
  • Earn yourself 300 bonus points

Beat it! (Beat your STAGE 2 mileage)

  • Beat your STAGE 2 mileage by
    • 10% > 200 points
    • 20% > 400 points
    • 30% > 700 points
    • 40% > 1000 points

Climb High (Total elevation gain during the stage)

  • Climb for a minimum of 1000 m during the stage and earn yourself 50 bonus points
  • The higher you climb, the more is the reward
    • 50 points for 1000 m
    • 150 points for 2500 m
    • 350 points for 5000 m
    • 600 points for 7500 m
    • 1000 points for 10000 m

Having trouble getting your head around the STAGE 3 challenges? click here for a bulletproof RIDE PLAN for Stage 3.

STAGE 4- Let’s Get Tougher

Nov 13th - Dec 2nd, 2024

The fourth stage of the 5 stage cycling challenge starts from Nov 13th. The challenges start getting a little tough here. They demand more time and consistency. Go for it and beat them all.


Minimum Days (Ride for 18 Days)

  • Ride a minimum of 5 km for any 18 days during the 20 day stage window.
  • Earn 200 points on completing the challenge

Endurance Ride (100 miles long ride)

  • Go for a single ride of 100 miles (160 km)
  • Earn 350 points on completing the challenge

Distance x Days (25km x 5)

  • Do 5 rides of 25 km or more on 5 different days
  • Earn 400 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (30km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 30 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 360 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (40km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 40 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 330 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (50km x 2)

  • Do 2 rides of 50 km or more on 2 different days
  • Earn 260 points for completing the challenge

Be Consistent (Ride for all 18 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all days
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Bulls Eye (Complete all Stage 4 challenges)

  • Complete all 6 challenges of the stage at least once
  • Earn yourself 400 bonus points

Beat it! (Beat your STAGE 3 mileage)

  • Beat your STAGE 3 mileage by
    • 10% > 200 points
    • 20% > 400 points
    • 30% > 700 points
    • 40% > 1000 points

Climb High (Total elevation gain during the stage)

  • Climb for a minimum of 1000 m during the stage and earn yourself 50 bonus points
  • The higher you climb, the more is the reward
    • 50 points for 1000 m
    • 150 points for 2500 m
    • 350 points for 5000 m
    • 600 points for 7500 m
    • 1000 points for 10000 m

Having trouble getting your head around the STAGE 4 challenges? click here for a bulletproof RIDE PLAN for Stage 4.

STAGE 5- Explore Your Limits

Dec 3rd - Dec 22, 2024

The fifth and the final stage of the 5 stage cycling challenge starts from Dec 3rd. This is the toughest of all and gives you an opportunity to Explore Your Limits. Make use of what you have learned and achieved in the last 4 stages and end your TourDe100 journey on a HIGH.


Minimum Days (Ride for 15 Days)

  • Ride a minimum of 5 km for any 15 days during the 20 day stage window.
  • Earn 150 points on completing the challenge

Time To Explore (200 km long ride)

  • Go for a single ride of 200 KM
  • Earn 500 points on completing the challenge

Distance x Days (30km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 30 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 360 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (40km x 4)

  • Do 4 rides of 40 km or more on 4 different days
  • Earn 440 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (50km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 50 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 390 points for completing the challenge

Distance x Days (60km x 3)

  • Do 3 rides of 60 km or more on 3 different days
  • Earn 450 points for completing the challenge

Be Consistent (Ride for all 18 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all days
  • Earn yourself 100 bonus points

Bulls Eye (Complete all Stage 5 challenges)

  • Complete all 6 challenges of the stage at least once
  • Earn yourself 500 bonus points

Beat it! (Beat your STAGE 4 mileage)

  • Beat your STAGE 4 mileage by
    • 10% > 200 points
    • 20% > 400 points
    • 30% > 700 points
    • 40% > 1000 points

Climb High (Total elevation gain during the stage)

  • Climb for a minimum of 1000 m during the stage and earn yourself 50 bonus points
  • The higher you climb, the more is the reward
    • 50 points for 1000 m
    • 150 points for 2500 m
    • 350 points for 5000 m
    • 600 points for 7500 m
    • 1000 points for 10000 m

Perfect Score! (Ride for all 95/100 days)

  • Ride for a minimum of 5 km on all 95/100 days
  • Earn yourself 1000 bonus points

Nailed it!! (Complete all 30/30 challenges)

  • Complete all 30 challenges of all the stages at least once
  • Earn yourself 1000 bonus points

Having trouble getting your head around the STAGE 5 challenges? click here for a bulletproof RIDE PLAN for Stage 5.


Refer to the table below to measure and keep track of your progress.

Ride Distance Ride Type Moving Time Elapsed Time Elevation Gain Speed (Elapsed Time) Mileage Points Speed Points Elevation Points
25.0 km Outdoor 1:04:30 1:21:15 30m 18.46 km/hr 25 3 1
80.8 km Outdoor 2:55:40 3:30:00 237m 23.09 km/hr 80 17 11
20.5 km Indoor 0:32:45 0:32:55 5m 37.37 km/hr 20 0 0

Disclaimer: Mapping of each ride will change according to the maximum points that can be given to any rider.

Stages & Challenges Simplified